Welcome to Kontiki!

Kontiki, or the Continuous-Time Toolkit, is a toolkit for optimization-based, continuous-time, structure from motion. In short, it can estimate a camera trajectory and 3D structure from a set of measurements, and it does so using a continuous-time trajectory.


If you use Kontiki for a scientific publication, please cite it using the following Bibtex entry:

  author = {Hannes Ovr\'en},
  title = "Kontiki - the continuous time toolkit",
  howpublished = "\url{https://github.com/hovren/kontiki}",
  year = {2018}

Papers using Kontiki

[Ovren2018a]Hannes Ovrén and Per-Erik Forssén Spline Error Weighting for Robust Visual-Inertial Fusion In Proceedings of the IEEE on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) June 2018

Indices and tables