Extending Kontiki

Kontiki can look tricky to work with because of its close ties to C++ and Ceres-Solver, which makes some parts of the code base a bit complicated. Here we will try to explain the steps necessary to implement new functionality. This documentation is not a tutorial, but gives a high-level view of the steps involve to create new trajectories, measurements, etc. For details, look at the source code for an existing class of the type you wish to implement.


Extending by forking

The first thing to note is that to extend Kontiki you must currently fork it, and implement your new features. This is because making an extension system that allows external modules is very tricky. Ideas on how to solve it are very welcome!

Views and Entitites

To make it easier to work with Ceres-Solver, our optimization backend, we have implemented a general system for creating optimizable entities. To do so we introduce two concepts:

The View is the workhorse of the entity system. It implements all the behaviour of an object, as well as data accessors. The view contents are defined by a ParameterStore, and a Metadata instance.
Parameter stores
The parameter store is an abstraction layer to allow the view to access the actual data required, from different sources.
The metadata holds all information necessary to create/define the object together with the data in the parmaeter store. The metadata instance is used when adding a residual to the optimization problem, in order to allow it to be recreated at evaluation time.
Where the View is created on the fly by wrapping a ParameterStore, and a Metadata, the Entity is a concrete instantiation of it. It is the interface which users are supposed to instantiate and work with. Entities own their data, but Views do not.

As an example, the kontiki.trajectories.UniformSE3SplineTrajectory is an entity. The entity instance contains an owning parameter store, and a metadata object that defines the full trajectory. When we add a measurement that uses the splined trajectory, the residual struct is given a metadata object that defines the spline segment (number of knots, start time, knot spacing) which is required by the measurement. When the optimizer calls the residual cost function, a View of this spline segment is created from the metadata object, and a parameter vector.

New trajectories

To create a new directory the following steps should be performed.

  1. Create a new my_trajectory.h file in cpplib/include/kontiki/trajectories/
  2. Define what kind of metadata your new trajectory requires. In short this means to define
    1. Any data that is not a parameter to optimize, e.g. spline knot spacing.
    2. Information required to recreate (part of) the trajectory, e.g. the number of spline segment control points.
    3. Implement the NumParameters() function that computes the number of parameters used by this metadata object.
  3. Create your view template MyTrajectoryView<T, MetaType>, that inherits from TrajectoryView<T, MetaType>. Implement getter and setter functions to access data in either the view metadata, or parameter store.
  4. Implement MyTrajectoryView::Evaluate(const T t, const int flags). Begin by creating the TrajectoryEvaluation to be returned, by giving it the flags argument. Fill result.position, result.velocity, etc. with whatever result your trajectory should give at time t.
  5. Implement MyTrajectory::MinTime() and MyTrajectory::MaxTime().
  6. Implement MyTrajectoryEntity<...> by inheriting from TrajectoryEntity<...>. Here you must define 1. The constructor(s), used by users of your code to construct the object. 2. The AddToProblem(...) method, which adds (part of) the trajectory to the optimization problem.
  7. Create MyTrajectory class by inheriting from LinearEntity. Here you must… 1. add the constructor by using MyTrajectoryEntity<...>::MyTrajectoryEntity. 2. Define the trajectory ID, static constexpr const char* CLASS_ID = "MyTrajectory"

For Python bindings you also need to

  1. Create a new py_my_trajectory.cc file in python/src/kontiki/trajectories/
  2. Wrap the class using pybind11.
  3. Add MyTrajectory to the trajectory list in python/src/kontiki/trajectory_defs.h. This makes sure support for the trajectory is compiled into all sensors, estimators, etc.
  4. Add kontiki_add_module(kontiki.trajectories._my_trajectory) to pyhon/CMakeLists.txt.
  5. Add TrajectoryExtension('_my_measurement') to the extensions list in pyhon/setup.py.

New measurements

  1. Create a new my_measurement.h file in cpplib/include/kontiki/measurements/
  2. Implement your measurement class MyMeasurement. The class may need to be templated, e.g. as MyMeasurement<ImuModel> if it needs an IMU.
  3. Implement the templated measurement function MyMeasurement::Measure<TrajectoryModel, T>() with trajectory as the only argument.
  4. Similarly implement the templated error function MyMeasurement::Error<TrajectoryModel, T>() which calls the measurement function.
  5. Implement the residual struct MyMeasurement::Residual<TrajectoryModel>. As per the Ceres-Solver documentation, it must have a method Residual::operator<T>()(...) which evaluates the residual. This function should unpack the current trajectory, and any other entity used by the residual, and compute the residual value (using ::Error() defined above).
  6. Implement MyMeasurement::AddToEstimator<TrajectoryModel>(). This function should create the MyMeasurement::Residual instance, and give it to the ceres::Problem contained in the kontiki.TrajectoryEstimator.
  7. Declare kontiki::TrajectoryEstimator a friend class.

For Python bindings you also need to

  1. Create a new py_my_measurement.cc file in python/src/kontiki/measurements/
  2. Wrap the class using pybind11.
  3. Add MyMeasurement to the correct measurement list in python/src/kontiki/measurement_defs.h. This makes sure support for the measurement is compiled into the trajectory estimator.
  4. Add kontiki_add_module(kontiki.measurements._my_measurement) to pyhon/CMakeLists.txt.
  5. Add MeasurementExtension('_my_measurement') to the extensions list in pyhon/setup.py.

New sensors

Implementing new sensors are done mostly the same as when implementing New trajectories. If you are implementing a sensor which is a specialization of Foo, then you should implement a new View and Entity that inherits FooView and FooEntity, respectively. For the Python bindings, you need to add your newly created class to the correct xxx_defs.h file to make sure support for it is compiled into the system.