
Kontiki was created to estimate a continuous-time trajectory, and any auxiliary parameters, given a set of measurements.

To use kontiki you need to understand, and create, objects of the following types:

A continuous-time trajectory that you want to estimate
The optimizer tries to estimate the trajectory (and other optimizable entities) such that the measurement errors are minimized.
A sensor, such as a camera or an IMU, models how a measurement was created. Some sensors have parameters that can be estimated if you want to.
Data objects
Some measurements are connected to more complex objects, which might in turn be available for estimation. A prime example are Camera measurements, where the associated Landmark is an object that we want to estimate as well.

The trajectory, and set of measurements, are then added to a TrajectoryEstimator instance that can then minimize the measurement errors.

Example visual-inertial structure from motion estimation

import numpy as np
import itertools
from kontiki import trajectories, sensors, TrajectoryEstimator
import kontiki.measurements as M

views, landmarks = load_my_sfm_data()

trajectory = trajectories.UniformSE3SplineTrajectory()
trajectory.extend_to(some_max_time, np.eye(4))

imu = sensors.BasicImu()

camera = sensors.PinholeCamera(720, 1280, 0.03, my_camera_matrix)

gyro_meas = [M.GyroscopeMeasurement(imu, t, x)
             for t, x in my_gyro_data]
acc_meas = [M.AccelerometerMeasurement(imu, t, x)
            for t, x in my_acc_data]
im_meas = [M.StaticRsCameraMeasurement(camera, obs)
           for v in view for obs in v.observations]

estimator = TrajectoryEstimator(trajectory)
for m in itertools.chain(gyro_meas, acc_meas, im_meas):

summary = estimator.solve()