
A measurement defines a residual that is added to the optimization problem. They share the functionality of the following (unavailable) base class.

class kontiki.measurements.Measurement
error(trajectory : Trajectory) → ndarray

Compute the error (a ND-vector), before application of any loss function.

measure(trajectory : Trajectory) → ndarray

The measured quantity, e.g. IMU accelerometer, or camera image projection.

Camera measurements

The camera classes share the following base class:

class kontiki.measurements.CameraMeasurement(camera, observation, huber_c=1)

Measurement of an sfm.Observation instance, using a sensors.Camera. huber_c specifies the design parameter of the used Huber loss function.


The sfm.Observation instance that is measured.


The sensors.Camera used.

Camera measurement classes

class kontiki.measurements.StaticRsCameraMeasurement

Static rolling shutter projection

Projects a landmark into a rolling shutter camera by simply setting the projection time from the observed image row. This method does in general not fulfill the rolling shutter projection time constraint, but is fast.

class kontiki.measurements.NewtonRsCameraMeasurement

Newton-based rolling shutter projection

Projects a landmark into a rolling shutter camera using the Newton method. This method should produce measurements such that the projected image row is consistent with the projection time. However, this is not a guarantee, so if you really need to make sure that the rolling shutter prjection time constraint is fulfilled, we recommend to at least check the result before accepting it.

class kontiki.measurements.LiftingRsCameraMeasurement

Rolling shutter projection by time optimization

Projects a landmark into a rolling shutter camera by adding the projection time as an additional parameter to the optimization problem.

In general, this does not fulfill the rolling shutter projection time constraint exactly.


The row projection time (to be optimized)

IMU measurements

The IMU measurements share the following base class

class kontiki.measurements.ImuMeasurement(imu, t, x, weight=1)

A measurement x (3D) at time t using the specified sensors.Imu instance. The scalar weight is applied to the residual, before being squared.


The sensors.Imu instance used.


The timestamp of the measurement


The (scalar) residual weight

IMU measurement classes

class kontiki.measurements.AccelerometerMeasurement

Measured acceleration

class kontiki.measurements.GyroscopeMeasurement

Measured angular velocity